Originally published in 卡罗尔的资本是电子游戏软件卡罗尔管理学院的印刷出版物. Read the full issue here.

If you’ve read the headlines about artificial intelligence, you might believe it will turn us all into horses. 汽车, 当然, 短短几年内,马就从必不可少的劳力变成了奢侈品. AI, doomsayers predict, will do something similar to us humans. It’ll take our jobs 和 leave us to fill niche roles.

电子游戏软件卡罗尔管理学院(电子游戏软件’s 卡罗尔学校 of Management)电子游戏正规平台人工智能的教授称,这种预测言过其实. 是的,人工智能将彻底改变工作场所,而且,是的,某些工作将会消失. The McKinsey 全球 Institute, 例如, 据估计,到2030年,占美国目前工作时间30%的活动可能会实现自动化. 但卡罗尔学院的学者认为,学会使用人工智能来提高生产力的人最终可能会过得更好. 在他们看来,熟练使用人工智能的人将能够更快、更聪明地工作.

“我不认为我们现在真正担心的是整体失业,”他说 山姆Ransbotham, a professor of business analytics. “接下来会发生的事情是,你的工作将被比你更擅长使用人工智能的人抢走, 而不是人工智能本身.”

How do you become an AI ace? 这对很多人来说都是可行的,Ransbotham说,他也是播客的主持人 Me, Myself, 和 AI. 你不需要成为专家,只要成为办公室里知识最渊博的人就行了.

With curiosity 和 diligence, 大多数人都能学到足够的知识,弄清楚如何在工作中应用人工智能, 他说. The way to start is with play. Go online 和 play around with ChatGPT, Open AI’s chatbot. Try, say, having it write first-draft emails or memos for you. (但是对你使用的任何东西进行事实检查:ChatGPT和其他大型语言模型有时会产生“幻觉”,” information that sounds plausible but is false.)

“AI tools are accessible to the masses,” Ransbotham 说. “That’s an interesting change. Most people don’t play with Python code.他在演讲中使用人工智能来生成幻灯片的背景图像. “For me, images on slides fall into the good-enough category. 我希望我的计算机代码很棒,但我在幻灯片上使用的图像刚好足够好.”

In speaking of “good-enough slides,兰博瑟姆暗指过度依赖人工智能的危险:他称之为“走向平庸的竞赛”.... You can use an AI tool to get to mediocre quickly,” he explains. 例如,ChatGPT可以在几秒钟内给出电子邮件或备忘录的草稿. But its prose will be generic, lacking color 和 context, because ChatGPT “averages” the prose it finds on the web. Stop there, 和 you’ll end up with average prose.

山姆Ransbotham 350 x 418 - 1

Business Analytics Professor 山姆Ransbotham

Another way to tool up on AI is to read 和 listen. Plenty of established publications, like 《电子游戏软件》杂志Ars Technica,以及较新的,如Charlie Guo和Tim Lee的Substack通讯,都涉及人工智能. Ditto for podcasts like Ransbotham’s. 当你探索的时候, 明白,, despite the hype, the technology does still have real limitations, 说 Sebastian Steffen, an assistant professor of business analytics. 他说:“我告诉我的学生,ChatGPT非常适合回答愚蠢的问题. “For factual questions, it’s quicker than Wikipedia.”

But AI can’t make judgments, which is often what work entails. Your boss may ask you to help formulate strategy, allocate staff time 和 resources, 或者判断一个令人担忧的财务指标是暂时的还是坏事的开始. 事实 can inform those decisions, but facts alone won’t make them.

斯蒂芬警告说,我们可能需要几十年的时间才能真正了解如何使用人工智能,以及将其融入我们工作场所的最佳方式. That’s typical of big technological rollouts. Even AI’s inventors may not see the future as clearly as they claim. “Alfred Nobel invented dynamite to use in mining, but other people wanted to use it for bombs,他说. 这让瑞典化学家诺贝尔感到困扰,也是他资助诺贝尔奖的原因之一.

他说,即使在人工智能的世界里,人类可能仍然有很多事情要做 美雪, associate professor of business analytics. “想想医生——我们仍然需要有人触摸病人的腹部”来获得传感器错过的微妙信息, 她说. 机器人可以在仓库里移动托盘,但它们还没有学会对病人的态度. 薛说,人类可能会继续填补需要“与客户交谈”的角色, meeting with customers, reading their expressions, 建立个人联系——我们可以收集到人工智能无法收集到的微妙印象.”

人工智能无法分辨一个人眼角的皱纹是微笑还是做鬼脸. So soft skills will still be rewarded. Brushing up on those may pay off.

Even in humdrum workplace communications, like those endless emails 和 memos, there will likely be a continuing role for us humans, 雪说. “我们人类的独特之处在于个性、独创性和同情心
emotional elements.” ChatGPT can generate jokes, 但它无法了解你的同事或客户,也不知道什么会引起他们的共鸣.

I don’t think our real concern right now is about overall job loss. 即将发生的事情是,你的工作将被比你更擅长使用人工智能的人抢走, not to AI itself.
Professor 山姆Ransbotham

同样,你可以让人工智能为你写求职信或向客户推销. But you might fail to st和 out, 雪说. ChatGPT“搜索互联网上可用的内容,并根据概率将最佳内容组合在一起,她解释道. “For now, it can’t provide originality." 

Xue adds that one can find the need for a human touch, or voice,
in unexpected places. “This weekend I was listening to some books
on an app in Chinese. 我发现他们提供两种类型的有声读物——一种是真人朗读的,另一种是人工智能语音朗读的. I didn’t like the AI readings. They sounded fine but had a perfect voice. 当你让一个真实的人朗读时,你会感受到那种情感和独特性.”

Teachable Moment 


By Lizzie McGinn

With the launch of ChatGPT in Fall 2022, 许多教育工作者担心人工智能会彻底颠覆学术诚信, a concern that many 卡罗尔学校 faculty initially shared. “At first [the reaction was] ‘we have to stop this menace,’” 说 杰里·波茨, a lecturer in the Management 和 Organization Department. 仍然, 一些教授开始提出一个令人信服的理由:人工智能不会有任何发展, the 卡罗尔学校 would have to rethink how to use it academically. By the following fall, 提出了三个新的政策选择:教授可以完全禁止人工智能, allow free use with attribution, or adopt a hybrid of the two options.

一些教职员工,比如波茨,已经完全接受了人工智能作为一种教育工具. In his graduate-level corporate strategy class, 其中一个项目要求学生在30分钟内准备一份快餐车的商业计划. 波茨发现,虽然人工智能经常帮助组织演讲, it was humans who came up with the most creative ideas overall. 贝斯劳斯 管理学和组织学副教授,希伦布兰德家族学院电子游戏正规平台员, 选择了混合AI方法,并且只允许它用于特定的课堂作业. 在一个案例中, she instructed students to use ChatGPT in preparing for peer reviews, which minimized the awkwardness of critiquing other students’ work.

“很少有人担心这会毁掉教学,”他说 伊桑•沙利文, senior associate dean of the undergraduate program. “We’ve instead pivoted to how AI complements learning.” For his part, Potts is optimistic. 他说,如果教授们一直处于这项技术的领先地位,并相应地调整他们的课程, “We should be able to take critical thinking to another level.”



Illustration by David Plunkert.