
电子游戏软件 心理学和神经科学 is an inclusive department that values diversity. 我们欢迎所有申请者, and strongly encourage students from underrepresented groups and first-generation students to apply to our program.

我们的博士课程是五年制的, 全职, 充分的资金, 电子游戏正规平台型程序,其特点是建立一个电子游戏正规平台计划, 课程, 还和一位指导老师关系密切. 电子游戏正规平台电子游戏软件人数是有限的. Currently, the ratio of faculty to doctoral students is approximately 1 to 1.

Our program is aimed at students who intend to become research psychologists and neuroscientists, participating in the basic search for knowledge about the human mind and brain. 在电子游戏软件期间,重点是原创性电子游戏正规平台. 学生发表论文, 申请资助, 参加专业会议作为培训的一部分.

Students apply to one of the 心理学 Department's five areas of concentration and receive a Ph.D. 该领域的学位. Students may also participate in one of the department's interdisciplinary 项目.






The admissions process is described on the 电子游戏软件 莫里西文理学院 website.

Students are admitted to work with a particular faculty member and within one of our five areas. Please visit the concentration page for a list of faculty members who serve as advisors in each area. 电子游戏软件 is selective and requires approval of the advisor and of the department's 电子游戏正规平台电子游戏软件s Committee. We recommend that applicants reach out to potential advisors well in advance of the application deadline to determine whether they plan to accept a Ph.D. 当年的学生. 并不是所有的学院每年都招收学生.


  • 进入该课程通常需要总GPA和专业GPA达到3分.33.
  • To ensure prospective graduate students are well prepared to TA in their area of specialization—Developmental, 社会, 认知, 神经科学, or Quantitative—they are also expected to have received at least a B in all courses within this area.
  • 电子游戏正规平台生 students must have been in good academic standing for the last two years.

教职员工将在明年2月前邀请最优秀的申请者进行面试. 申请人将在不久之后收到录取决定通知.


Ph.D. 学生获得全额资助,并免除学费. 学生在课程过程中担任助教.


每个学生都可以与主要指导老师一起工作. 在第一学期结束前, 学生, 和顾问一起, 选择另外两名教员加入论文委员会.

Ph值.D. student's initial task is the production of a second-year research project. 这工作从第一年的第一天开始. 在第一年, 选择一个主题, 进行背景阅读, 设计和试验的电子游戏正规平台项目, and a proposal (written much like a grant proposal) is submitted to 学生's three-person committee. 该提案在委员会面前得到口头辩护, and must have final approval by the committee by the end of September of Year Two.

第二年, 任何需要的进一步试点工作都已进行, 已获得IRB批准, 收集和分析的数据, and the second-year research project written and defended (by March 31 of Year Two).

The research project reports original empirical research initiated and carried out while in our program. Students may not bring previously collected data and use these data for the project. Although the entire project is carried out in close collaboration with the advisor, 学生应该是主要贡献者. Thus 学生 should qualify for senior authorship on the project when it is submitted for publication (which we strongly encourage).

The project is to be in the form of an article publishable in a good journal in 学生's area. 评估是基于可发表性的标准, with the exception that results need not have turned out statistically significant.

The second period in your graduate program is characterized by a shift to more independent work and an even more intensive focus on research. The third year focuses on two requirements that you work on simultaneously, 第三年的文献综述和论文开题. 第四年的重点是论文电子游戏正规平台. Even more than in the first two years, however, meeting the formal requirements is the minimum. 学生的主要工作是进行电子游戏正规平台和制作简历.

在第三年的早期, students meet with their committee to form a tentative plan for Years Three and Four. This plan should be formalized and signed by the committee (Form 5) by December 1 of Year Three. 鼓励学生开始他们的论文试点电子游戏正规平台, 如果他们还没有这样做的话, 在三年级的第一学期.

学生必须在全日制的基础上参加这个项目. 该项目计划在五年内完成.


The 博士 指导 程序 (PDMP) is a student-run initiative that offers mentorship to prospective applicants to psychology and neuroscience doctoral 项目. The goal of this program is to offer one-on-one mentorship and institutional knowledge to applicants who may not have access to such advantages.




如有任何问题,请直接向 boston-college-pdmp-ggroup@love365cn.com